Retail Culinary Water Suppliers Dataset
- Category: Utilities
- Data Type: GIS Data Layer
- Steward(s): Utah Division of Water Resources, Utah Department of Natural Resources
- Abstract: This dataset attempts to represent the retail culinary water suppliers service area boundaries for the State of Utah, with a small selection of suppliers in Idaho and Wyoming represented as well. Data sources include the Utah Division of Water Resources, Utah Division of Drinking Water, Utah Division of Water Rights, Utah Division of Public Utilities, and the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center. Boundaries were derived from a combination of the following data layers available in the State Geographic Information Database (SGID): Counties, various county parcels, Municipalities, PLSSSections, and TaxEntities2013.
Retail Culinary Water
Utah Retail Culinary Water Service Areas represent public community water suppliers. Eventually, public non-community (transient) and self-supplied industry (non-transient) suppliers will be added. This feature class includes system boundaries that are historical and no longer active. It also includes some systems that are outside the state. Historical and outside the state systems can be filtered using the ENDYEAR
fields, respectively.These boundaries are derived from many different sources. They include spatial data received directly from the supplier, municipal boundaries, phone call descriptions of service areas, printed maps that had hand drawn boundaries that were then digitized, etc.
Downloads and Web Services
- May 2020