Schools & Libraries
- Category: Society
- Data Type: GIS Data Layer
- Steward(s): AGRC
- Abstract: This data package contains a statewide schools dataset and a statewide libraries dataset.
Schools (Preschool and kindergarten through 12)
This dataset contains point locations for preschool and K-12 schools in the state of Utah - updated for the 2019-2020 school year. Higher education and adult vocational training are not included in the dataset.
The schools_prek_to_12
dataset was built in collaboration with Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), and the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC). The dataset includes public and private K-12 school locations with enrollment and demographics info by grade for public schools (charter and traditional) reported to the USBE. While some preschools are included, this is not a comprehensive statewide dataset for preschools.
Schools marked as 'closed' have not been included in this data. More information regarding schools in Utah can be found on the Utah State Board of Education website.
The Schools_PreKto12
will be updated annually in conjunction with USBE’s annual report cycle.
- Tabular Data
- The tabular portion of the data was downloaded from USBE's data page. The list of fields and the data in this dataset were generated by joining the following USBE reports:
- Geographic Data
- Point locations (geometry) were generated from USBE's school list using the AGRC Geocoding Web API which utilizes address point and street centerline reference data. These were then compared to the previous 2016-2017 school layer’s locations with the best position chosen. Unmatched addresses were hand placed with assistance from publicly available, commercial mapping and search web apps.
Fields Worth Noting
- SchoolType
- Residential Treatment
- Adult High
- Vocational
- Special Education
- Regular Education
- YIC - Youth-In-Custody
- Alternative
- SchoolLevel
- MID - Junior / Middle School
- HIGH - High School
- K12 - Kindergarten through 12th Grade
- PREK - Pre Kindergarten
- ELEM - Elementary School
Acronyms and Abbreviations in the Data
- LEA: Local Educational Agency (i.e., school district)
- LEAName
- LEANumber
- NESS: Necessarily Existent Small Schools funding
Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from AGRC at or 801-538-3665.
Downloads and Web Services
- August 2020
Schools (Higher Education)
This dataset contains point locations for higher education and adult vocational training in the state of Utah. This includes public and private colleges and universities, technical colleges, and other higher education institutions.
The schools_higher_education
will be updated annually and/or as needed.
Institutions of higher education were identified on the state of Utah's college and universities page. Using the websites of these institutions, addresses were identified for primary and branch campuses and geocoded using the AGRC Geocoding Web API.
Fields Worth Noting
- SchoolType
- Public College or University
- Private College or University
- Other Institution
- Technical College
- CampusType
- Branch
- Primary
Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from AGRC at or 801-538-3665.
Downloads and Web Services
- September 2020
Society.Libraries provides locations and information for public Libraries and their branches throughout Utah. Includes base location for bookmobile libraries.
Related Resources
Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from AGRC at or 801-538-3665.
Downloads and Web Services
- June 2013
- August 2011